Category Archives: applications

Travel Mobile Applications


Thank you everyone who joined us in our last (before the summer) Devices SIG meeting.

The presentation was on travel mobile applications and the complete list of those apps can be found on Klaudia’s website: click here

Have a groovy summer everyone!

travel apps

Why Do We Use Social Media?

Thank you everyone for participating our January Devices SIG meeting (Jan. 20th)

We had a chance to talk about what’s new happened in social media world in 2014 and about popular applications worth checking.

We discussed the mail reasons why it’s worth using social media applications:

  • Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Reviews/Recommendations
  • Deals/Coupons
  • Information/Breaking News

Here are the social media applications we talked about:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Flickr
  5. Pinterest
  6. Tumblr
  7. Ello & TSU
  8. Snapchat
  9. WhatsApp
  10. Google+ Hangouts
  11. Skype
  12. ooVoo
  13. …and few more

social media applications

We also mentioned Password Manager applications that allow users to store all passwords.

Here is the list of few of those Password Manager applications:

  1. 1Password (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)
  2. SplashID (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)
  3. Msecure (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)
  4. LastPass (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)
  5. Keeper (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)
  6. Dashlane (links to this app on iPhone/iPad and Android)

(friendly reminder: before you get one of those please read the reviews and descriptions to choose the right one for you)

Hyperlapse Application – and What You Should Know About It

Hyperlapse is a new mobile application provided by Instagram, all this tiny yet powerful application does is…record timelapse.
First question you might ask is: what’s so special about this app comparing to other applications available out there?

1. it’s very user-friendly app – there are not many features you can choose from
2. Quality – is simply GREAT
3. recorded videos you can share on several social media platforms or save on your device


Application is available on AppStore (click here)

More information on Hyperlapse app (click here)
For all of you out there who like to play golf, check those short videos on how you can use Hyperlapse app (click here)

Check the WiFi Before You Choose a Hotel

If you are like me, before you book the hotel you want to check its WiFi. Did I mention “BEFORE you book the hotel?” Yes I did. How you can do that? Here are two websites where you can check hotel’s WiFi connection:

Hotel WiFi Test (click here) – just type the name of the hotel or location and check if the hotel WiFi is on the list.
Speed Spot (click here) – same here, just type the name of the hotel or location and check for ratings and WiFi availability.

Both websites contains large hotels database, of course it’s NOT a complete list of every possible hotel in the world.

Need more information? Please visit TechCrunch (click here)


FIFA World Cup 2014 – When to Watch It

All soccer fans out there! In case you wonder how and when/where to watch the World Cup 2014 in the US?

If you’re cable subscriber you can use one (or all) of the following options:

fifa world cup 2014

for more information, please check the Yahoo article – click here

the official FIFA World Cup 2014 website – click here

Mobile Apps (travel, lifestyle, entertainment, etc.)

Thank you everyone for attending the Devices SIG meeting that took place yesterday (April 15th). We had an interesting conversation on topics that we plan to talk about after the summer.

During that meeting we talked also about several travel, lifestyle, food, drink, entertainment mobile applications that you might find useful. Summer is coming so many of us are planning some vacation – check the list of apps below.

Here is a list of some of the mobile apps you might find usefulĀ  (here you can find also the presentation from yesterday):

Would you like to find out even more mobile applications: here is a link to 13 Travel Mobile Apps (click here)

Have a great summer and stay safe on-line!

Facebook Updates

…and again Facebook Team decided to make some changes. Don’t worry – there are not that many of those changes, it’s more of the layout than available features.

social media icons

Here is a link to a TechCrunch article on Facebook updates: TechCrunch (<- click on the name)

Happy (10) Birthday Facebook

The social media giant enters its 2nd decade! Still strong and still big. First as just web-based application ( now also as mobile application.

As a birthday present for users – Facebook created a new mobile application (now available only on Apple devices) – Facebook Paper. I’m going to publish a post on that new application soon.

Here is a short history of Facebook:


What do you think about Facebook?

“My Home is Burning” Scam on Facebook

Facebook Safety Tip:

Be aware of ‘My Home is Burning’ Facebook private messages that pretending to be from a friend, claims that your friend’s house is burning and you can click a link to see footage of the fire – it’s a Facebook phishing and malware SCAM. Do not click on the link.

You need to use caution when clicking on links in messages (even if the message appears to come from your friend.)

If the link leads to a page that asks you to login to one of your online accounts in order to see the content, make sure to use caution. Message that claims that you must download something (program, update, etc.) to be able to view a video or see pictures or read article should be treated with suspicion.

and as always: if something seems just “not right” – be careful!

facebook safety

How to Turn Off Facebook Video Auto-Play

You have probably noticed that there is a new feature available on Facebook: Video Auto-Play.

What does it do? Every video uploaded to Facebook will auto-play so you don’t have to tap/click on it to stat play. The auto-play is set up on mute so there is no worries that suddenly the audio will play loud.
The issue is that when you use Facebook application on your smartphone – most of the time you use the internet connection from your mobile provider (monthly data plan). When you use free Wi-Fi there is no problem but be aware when you use your data plan.

Please check this short graphic with a suggestion how you can turn off Facebook video auto-play. You will still be able to watch videos uploaded to Facebook but you decide if you want to play the video or skip it.
