Category Archives: new technology

Happy (10) Birthday Facebook

The social media giant enters its 2nd decade! Still strong and still big. First as just web-based application ( now also as mobile application.

As a birthday present for users – Facebook created a new mobile application (now available only on Apple devices) – Facebook Paper. I’m going to publish a post on that new application soon.

Here is a short history of Facebook:


What do you think about Facebook?

HealthCare Scammers

With rollout of the Affordable Care Act ( known as “Obamacare”), the time is for another scammers trying to grab your money by selling fake insurance policies and get your personal information. At the beginning of September AARP published article on “8 ways to keep scammers at bay” .


  1. if you’re on Medicare, you don’t need a new card or additional insurance
  2. scare or rush tactics signal you are dealing with a scammer
  3. because some states have opted out of the federal program, scammers may create websites intended to look like official sites for those states. State websites should end in “.gov,” as does federal marketplace website (


…to read the complete article, please visit AARP page

helthcare scammers

Future Smartphones




If you know Apple devices then there is a chance you are familiar with Apple AirPlay:

“AirPlay lets you wirelessly stream what’s on your iOS device to your HDTV and speakers via Apple TV. Or mirror exactly what’s on your display to the big screen. Vacation photos, blockbusters, the latest games – AirPlay and Apple TV put it all on your TV.”

more on Apple AirPlay, please visit Apple website


…so now we have something new from Google just recently announced Chromecast, a gadget that lets users watch content from their portable devices (smartphones, tablets or laptops) on their TV. It’s easy to use: all you need to do is to plug the Chromecast into the TV using an HDMI input and connect to the home Wi-Fi network.

Apple users use AirPlay and Android (system) users now can use Chromecast.


Memory Card with Wi-Fi

Eye-Fi — a wireless SD card maker — launched a new memory card for photographers on Monday that can send photos and videos to your smartphone or tablet device at a lower cost than its predecessors.

The new Eye-Fi Mobi replaces the standard SD memory card in your digital camera, and with its built-in Wi-Fi, the card sends photos to your smartphone even without a Wi-Fi network or Internet connection.


The new Mobi card’s price:

  •  $49.99 (8 GB)
  •  $79.99 (16 GB)

It may not be as worthy of $$$, considering many smartphone cameras have a high photo quality.



How to Monitor Your House for Free

Worried about your home while on vacation? Would you like to keep “an eye” on your dog/cat home-alone? Try this mobile application that can help you to monitor your house. Presence (mobile application) will transform your old smartphone/tablet into remote security cameras for home monitoring systems.

“Unlike traditional monitoring systems that can be expensive and need technical knowledge to install and use, Presence is a free do-it-yourself system that can be set up simply by downloading and configuring the app.”

Presence converts a spare internet-connected iPhone/iPad/ or Android device into a free video camera with a real-time video/audio streaming.



Google Glass – What’s That?

What do we know about Google Glass? Here’s a short video on that new gadget people are taking about.

Gadget of the Day: Bluetooth speaker

CommBadge looks like a “Star Trek” communicator. It’s a Bluetooth speaker for iPhone and Android smartphones.

3D Printing

Have you heard of 3D printing?

(…) 3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using additive processes, where an object is created by laying down successive layers of material. (source:



The future is made of plastic – well…I hope not.

Cool Holiday Gifts Ideas – Part 3

hero3 camera_by gopro

hero3 camera_by gopro

Another Holiday Gift Idea:

GoPro – World’s most versatile camera (source:

  • price: $199.99/$299.99/ $399.99
  • website:
  • GoPro application for iOS and Android devices

Here are 2 videos on how GoPro camera works:

but you can always use the camera this way: