Category Archives: Smartphones

Hyperlapse Application – and What You Should Know About It

Hyperlapse is a new mobile application provided by Instagram, all this tiny yet powerful application does is…record timelapse.
First question you might ask is: what’s so special about this app comparing to other applications available out there?

1. it’s very user-friendly app – there are not many features you can choose from
2. Quality – is simply GREAT
3. recorded videos you can share on several social media platforms or save on your device


Application is available on AppStore (click here)

More information on Hyperlapse app (click here)
For all of you out there who like to play golf, check those short videos on how you can use Hyperlapse app (click here)

Privacy…Privacy…Privacy on your iPhone

Are you worried about the privacy on your iPhone? Check those few privacy settings:

  • Find my iPhone feature
  • Microphone access
  • Safari autofill feature
  • Safari browsing more
  • Frequent locations mode
  • Touch ID
  • Complete article available on (click here)

    How to Turn Off Facebook Video Auto-Play

    You have probably noticed that there is a new feature available on Facebook: Video Auto-Play.

    What does it do? Every video uploaded to Facebook will auto-play so you don’t have to tap/click on it to stat play. The auto-play is set up on mute so there is no worries that suddenly the audio will play loud.
    The issue is that when you use Facebook application on your smartphone – most of the time you use the internet connection from your mobile provider (monthly data plan). When you use free Wi-Fi there is no problem but be aware when you use your data plan.

    Please check this short graphic with a suggestion how you can turn off Facebook video auto-play. You will still be able to watch videos uploaded to Facebook but you decide if you want to play the video or skip it.


    iOS7 for Beginners

    Did you have a chance to update your iOS on your iPhone or iPad to iOS7? or maybe you just get a new iPhone or iPad with the latest iOS?

    ios7 step by step for beginners_part 1Here is the link to a post on iOS7 for beginners (Part 1)

    You will find information regarding:

    • Touch ID
    • Camera features
    • Control Panel
    • How to close applications


    iOS7 and Device Security – Devices SiG Presentation

    Thank you everyone for attending the Devices SIG meeting (Oct. 15th, 2013). ios7

    Topics we covered during that meeting:

    • eBooks
    • Newsstand
    • iOS7 Tips & Tricks
    • Device Security

    Within next few weeks I am going to share with you series of posts on iOS7 – a new Apple operation system that was presented to users in September 2013. Now it’s a good time to discover new iOS7 features.

    Here is link to the presentation: Devices-SIG_Mtg_eBooks-iOS7-Security_v0.4

    Here is the list of websites we mentioned during the meeting:

    Check this video on iOS7:

    Next iPhone

    Good news to all Apple fans out there:

    “Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone at a special event on Sept. 10, sources told AllThingsD.”

    more information:

    Memory Card with Wi-Fi

    Eye-Fi — a wireless SD card maker — launched a new memory card for photographers on Monday that can send photos and videos to your smartphone or tablet device at a lower cost than its predecessors.

    The new Eye-Fi Mobi replaces the standard SD memory card in your digital camera, and with its built-in Wi-Fi, the card sends photos to your smartphone even without a Wi-Fi network or Internet connection.


    The new Mobi card’s price:

    •  $49.99 (8 GB)
    •  $79.99 (16 GB)

    It may not be as worthy of $$$, considering many smartphone cameras have a high photo quality.



    How to Monitor Your House for Free

    Worried about your home while on vacation? Would you like to keep “an eye” on your dog/cat home-alone? Try this mobile application that can help you to monitor your house. Presence (mobile application) will transform your old smartphone/tablet into remote security cameras for home monitoring systems.

    “Unlike traditional monitoring systems that can be expensive and need technical knowledge to install and use, Presence is a free do-it-yourself system that can be set up simply by downloading and configuring the app.”

    Presence converts a spare internet-connected iPhone/iPad/ or Android device into a free video camera with a real-time video/audio streaming.



    Samsung Galaxy S4 vs HTC One

    …and again video review today. This time Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One.

    HTC One review

    Samsung S4 review

    New iPhone? You Have to Wait

    iPhone5Are you ready for a new iPhone? Are you looking for for new/more features? Well…the thing is we need to wait. Usually (for last few years) the new iPhone release date was by the end of June but this year it’s NOT.

    Time for Apple to innovative further – We’ve owned every iPhone generation since the first, but it has become apparent that the market has changed and Apple has not. Users want diversity in screen size and a growing number of people want the smartphone to become their tablet and phone, aka phablet.”

    “Tim Cook confirmed the release of the next iPhone would not come sooner than fall 2013, or even in 2014 although we think this would be too damaging for Apple as some people might jump ship by next year.”

    for more information please visit – “iPhone 6 release date uncertainty damages”.